Shanghai Housing
Shanghai Apartments for Rent
When you need to choose a certain apartment to move into in the Shangai area , it will be important to see what your options are going to be like. You will need to take a lot of different things into consideration before making a final decision of any kind on an apartment complex to move into, such as how much each one costs. If you are trying to stay within a specific price range when it comes to rent, it will definitely be important to go online and see how much each of the places that you are interested in charges.
Flats for Rent in Shanghai
Anyone who is currently interested in renting a flat in Shanghai will first need to do a decent amount of research so they can see what they will have to choose from. Since there are going to be so many different flats for rent in this area alone, you will most likely want to use the internet in order to get the best deal overall on one. Once you have set aside enough time to look around at these flat options, you should be able to choose a place that really appeals to you. Just remember to take as much time as you need to make the right decision on one place in particular.
Those who plan on staying in Shanghai for a long time will need to take the time to see what kind of lease terms each place offers, because it will be different depending on where you go. Make sure to also read reviews for different flats in this area, because you will need to know what other people who have lived in them before have to say. After you have done some of this research, you should find it relatively easy to make your final decision.
Shanghai Rental Apartments
When it comes to big and popular cities like Shanghai, it is very difficult to find an apartment in the heart of the city. Shanghai is one city that welcomes people of all interest areas. Thus, many people migrate to this beautiful and advanced city. To enjoy the real feel and zeal of the place, it is essential that you live in the main area. However, not everybody’s bank balance would allow them to buy house. But buying is not the only way to live in the main city.
The other and cheap solution is to find an apartment to rent in Shanghai. It is not as easy as it sounds. When you browse apartments for rent in Shanghai, you are prone to get confused and sometimes frustrated. If you get stuck with the wrong real estate agent you are highly likely to get irritated finding the right apartment rental in Shanghai. That is why; the first step is to look for the right agent who would lead you to right rental apartment. Keep a few things in mind while you are going through apartments for rent in Shanghai. For example, connectivity, distance between your house and office etc.
Finding a House for Rent in Shanghai
Because of how many different houses there are for rent in Shanghai, you will definitely need to make an effort to do as much research as possible before settling on one place in particular. You should take the time to look up different houses for rent in this area online, because chances are you will be able to find quite a few different listings to look through. Make sure that you find out what the total cost of each house is going to be each month, because you will need to know which ones will fall within your budget.
You should also take the time to look at the inside of each house for rent that you find online, just so you will know what the entire place looks like on the inside. There are going to be plenty of different websites that can give you information on houses that are up for rent in the area, so take the time to see which ones appeal to you. Chances are there are going to be pictures of these houses that are for rent, but it will still be important to go down in person to see what the overall condition of the house is like.
Apartments to Rent in Shanghai
There are going to be many different apartments to rent in the Shanghai area, making it important to look through as many different options as possible before deciding on one place in particular. It will be important that you consider what your own needs are before making a final decision of any kind, so you will be able to choose an important which you will be truly happy with. You will first have to consider how many rooms you need your apartment to have, as well as which utilities are going to be included in the rent.
You will find that there are some apartments which do not include any utilities in the price of the rent, so it will be important to ask about this when you are looking into each different place in the area. When you go online you will be able to find a number of websites that can tell you almost everything you need to know about various apartments in Shanghai, so take all the time you need to look through some of them. It will also be important to visit these apartments in person though, so you will be able to see them for yourself before making a final decision of any kind.
House Rental Options in Shanghai
Anyone who is looking to rent a house in Shanghai will need to make a point of seeing what they will have to choose from, because there are going to be hundreds if not thousands of options to review before a final decision can be made. You should personally visit each house that you are interested in renting, so you can walk through the entire property and see what the condition of it is like. It will also be necessary to find out how much rent is going to be with each of the houses you are considering, because you will obviously need to choose one that fits within your budget.
You will have to consider the area that each house for rent is in, because you will most likely want to select one that is close to shopping as well as work and other important things. The internet will certainly be able to help you out when you are looking for houses for rent in the Shanghai area, so you will need to take some time to browse around and see what you can find before deciding on a certain place to rent. In the end, doing this research can save you a lot of money and frustration later on.
Finding the right Apartment for Rent in Shanghai
There are a lot of different things to consider before choosing an apartment to rent in Shanghai, whether you plan on living there permanently or using it as your vacation spot. You will want to visit a few different apartments in this area before deciding on a certain one to move into, because it will be important that you choose the right one. Once you have taken the opportunity to tour the apartment complex and see what the apartment you are interested in looks like, it will be much easier to make a final decision of some kind.
You should also find out how much you are going to pay in rent with each apartment and figure out what your monthly budget is. This way you will be able to decide on a place that you like and can afford. It will also be important to find out which utilities are included with certain apartments, because there are some that do not include any in the cost of the rent. Shanghai is going to have a lot of different apartments for you to look at, so you should also go online to see which ones have availabilities in this area.
Apartments for Rent in Shanghai
A lot of people are looking to move to Shanghai and if this is a place where you would also like to live then it would be a good idea to go out of your way to learn some more about how to find proper work there. A closer look at the different places you can rent in Shanghai will make it clear to you that some help along the way could definitely be useful, especially when there are so many houses and apartments you could rent for yourself. You will probably want to do everything you can to ensure that the property you rent is a really nice and attractive place that is also available at a price that you can afford, and this is possible for sure if you go out of your way to get help from a real estate agency.
What you will want to do in any case is go learn more about where to find the very best real estate agencies in your area, and if you look in the right places it will not end up being long at all before you find a great agency where you can spend time looking for the perfect apartment for rent.
Finding the Perfect Apartment to Rent In Shanghai
There is little doubt that it can sometimes be a bit difficult to find the right apartment for rent in Shanghai, and this is mainly because the city is so big and there are so many options available. While you could find a place on your own, it would take a long time for you to locate an apartment or house that you really like, and this is one of the reasons why it is so helpful to hire a real estate agent to assist you. It should not end up being very difficult for you to find a great apartment to rent in Shanghai if you put some effort into looking for a good real estate agency to assist you.
Then it is just a matter of letting the agency know what you want, and chances are you will be well on your way to finding the sort of home you have always wanted to have. Learning more about the benefits and disadvantages of living in the city will also help you to come up with a good choice. Just remember that the quality of services of a good real estate agency in your area are definitely there waiting for you.
Tips For Business Travelers Seeking Short-term Rentals
Frequent traveling means the importance of saving money is higher. Hotels are usually the first places that come to mind but they’re expensive if you have to stay for more than a week. Apartment rentals, on the other hand, are cheaper in the long-run and provide more facilities.
Before opting for an apartment, it’s wise to find out what security deposits cost. Most owners require deposits which are refundable during check-out. Damages and other undesirables caused by you will be paid from the deposit. Before checking in, examine the space for prior damages. You don’t want to spend for something you didn’t spoil.
Ask to see a lot of pictures of the apartment. Brochures present glossy views of units and having an unwanted surprise on arrival should be eliminated. Blogs and forums are the best sites to visit to get honest opinions from travelers who’ve used the place before.
An apartment rental should come fully furnished, have a kitchen, and utilities like washing machines and dryers. Charges for using these facilities may be added to the lease or billed separately. The important point is to make sure you don’t want for utilities.
Any discrepancies with facilities, condition of the apartment and other factors not presented in advertisements should be brought to the notice of the landlord. Take pictures of broken pipes, nonfunctional washers and other systems promised under the lease agreement.
Apartment Rentals: What Business Travelers Should Know
Business travelers are always on the go and usually put up at hotels. But, they stand to save a lot of money by utilizing the services of short-term apartment rentals which have seen a construction boom in recent years.
Renting apartments may seem expensive but they’re not for frequent travelers. In fact, it makes more sense to rent an apartment especially if a person travels frequently to a particular city. Of course, there are some apartments that are expensive but those generally feature luxury utilities which aren’t always needed.
Apartments don’t offer complete meals so eating out or cooking in if the unit has a kitchen are the only solutions. But that isn’t a big problem because business travelers usually leave early and come in late. Besides, units that have an in-house catering service are expensive because menus cost more.
Amenities like a fitness center, washer and dryer, private outdoor space etc are available unlike at a hotel and those that offer them charge higher rates. Budget hotels can set travelers back by at least $800 a week but apartment rentals can cost $1,000 for close to a month. Considering how much can be saved, business travelers would do better to opt for short-term rentals than check in at hotels.
How To Pay Less To Rent A Flat In Shanghai
There is always a danger when you move to Shanghai that you end up paying over the odds for a flat to rent. Most expats who don’t speak Chinese end up paying more by going through an agency that overcharges its clients. Even expats who have a local friend or colleague can miss out on the best prices because they don’t know how to negotiate the best rates or protect themselves with the proper agreements. Here are some of the best ways you can pay less to rent a flat in Shanghai.
There Are Several Ways To Overspend

he actual rental costs are only part of the equation, as many expats discover to their horror when faced with the realities of a daily commute in Shanghai. If you fail to choose a location that is either near where you work or difficult to access through public transport, you will end up shelling out a lot more over the term of your contract. How much is your time worth to you? If you are spending 2 hours a day commuting to work, that’s ‘costing’ you far more than any agency would charge you in fees. The same goes for the return of the security deposit, which is two months’ rent. If you fail to set up the proper rental agreement and lose your deposit, you will be out of pocket to a far greater extent that if you’d gone through an agency.
Get Some Local Help
A friend in Shanghai is your route to paying the least for flat rental if you don’t speak or read Chinese. Don’t get bogged down on Craigslist or Smarshanghai, all the action is on the Chinese equivalents like Baixing and Soufun. The most popular flats are usually taken within an hour, so find a web-savvy friend who can help you scour the best deals. Even if your friend can’t help you negotiate with landlords of cover yourself legally with the correct rental agreements, they’ll still be an invaluable source of information about the proper prices of the flats in the area you want to rent.
Pound The Sidewalk

Armed with you list of flats, trying simply walking around the area you want to live and contact agencies if you aren’t confident to approach the landlords directly. You can put the details from the website through Google translate to get a rough understanding but it’s much easier if you have a Chinese friend or colleague to help you visit places. Quite often the ad’s pictures are inaccurate and misleading. A top tip is not to overpay for a property near the metro as this closes early at night. Instead get a sense of which properties are nearest to popular bus routes; this will save you time and money later.
Can Agencies Save Me Money?
Although you get the cheapest prices if you source flats through a Chinese-language website, you have to think of the whole package, not just the monthly rental cost. Your Chinese friend or colleague might miss the perfect flat when searching online and may not know how to set up the proper rental agreement. Failing to check that the name on the rental agreement matches the landlord’s ID is a common error. Agencies often offer a free property search if you’re spending over RMB10,000 or they’ll charge just 35% of the first month’s rent if you plan to spend less. Is this worth it? Well, an agency will not only help negotiate the lease terms, they’ll arrange a letter of intent, draw up the rental document and perform a handover inspection. Getting peace of mind from not having to worry that your security deposit won’t be retunred when you leave can be well worth the agency’s fee.
4 Reasons Why It Is A Pleasure To Work And Live In Changning
Changning is a nice district situated within the great city of Shanghai. It is one of the eight districts which are considered to be a part of Shanghai proper. Lately, Changning has attracted numerous local and foreign investors. The district features a combination of fast urban development, profound cultural heritages, and astounding communities. Because of this, it is not a surprise why a lot of people swarm into Changning either to do some business there or simply to live there. So why have a lot of people chosen to work and live in Changning? Here are the top reasons:
Booming economy
Changning’s location within the country’s biggest city in terms of population is one of the contributing factors to the district’s booming economy. There are three major economic zones in the district, one of which is the Hongqiao Foreign Trade Center. Within a span of ten years in development, the center rapidly became the home of numerous business establishments including hotels, restaurants, and other establishments of business and entertainment. About eighteen percent of the establishments in the district are related to financial enterprises. These factors make Changning a very important economic sector of Shanghai. The other two economic zones include the Zhongshan Park Business Center and the Hongqiao Linkong Economic Zone.
Numerous job opportunities
Along with the boom of Changning’s economy is the rapid increase of job opportunities. After all, business will not thrive without a lot of professionals. Engineers, analysts, software experts, sales representatives, and other professionals involved in the corporate and financial industry are in demand. There are also a lot of companies which are in need of professionals in the academe. Some examples include teachers, tutors, translators, and even tour guides. There are definitely a lot of available professions for both locals and foreigners in Changning.
Friendly community
Changning district boasts of its very friendly community. One might assume that a highly-developed and very busy district like Changning will not provide a nice community to live in. But that is not true. The development of Changing’s economy and its numerous professions available has attracted a lot of people from various parts of the world. Today, there are more than twenty thousand foreigners in the district and most of them have already considered to stay in Changing for good. These foreigners come from more than a hundred various countries. Thus, anyone will really not have a hard time ‘fitting in’ in this district.
Rich cultural heritage
If one is to enumerate the good reasons to live in Changning, one could not simply set aside the fact that the district has a rich cultural heritage. In fact, the district has been called as the ‘Cultural District in China’. Various forms of traditional festivities are being observed there. Among the most popular traditional events include the ‘May First Festival’, and the ‘October First Festival’. These really help the people remember the Chinese culture and history. Modern events, like the annual ‘Introduction of Books, Films and Arts to Communities’ are being observed as well.
Holiday Destinations: Visit Shanghai, One Of The Most Beautiful Cities On Earth!
More and more people are attracted and fascinated by the Chinese culture and that is why they arrive at Shanghai and other major cities of this country every year! If you want to enjoy something different and experience some new feelings, make sure that you get plane tickets to this beautiful city! You will be overwhelmed by the wide range of opportunities, distractions and activities that you can find here.
Also, you should visit the Luwan District which is an exquisite part of Shanghai. The current article is going to give you an overview of this zone so read on if you are interested. Who knows, you might fall in love with this metropolis and come back here again and again in the coming years!
The nightlife industry is well-developed
If you get the chance to earn such amount of money then you also might want to spend them on various distractions, right? Well, in this case, you might want to visit various bars in Luwan District, such as Bar Constellation, a coquette, cozy place which offers late-night drinks. If you love jazz music then you should not miss the JZ Club which hosts various parties every night! There are plenty other distractions available for tourists who want to have fun in Shanghai and it is up to you to discover them. Also, don’t forget to look on the internet in order to find the address details and directions to such entertainment places.
Shopping malls should be next on your visiting list
You cannot possibly live in Luwan District of Shanghai without getting some new clothes. Therefore, make sure that you find the location of various malls in this area which offer unique, cute products for both men and women! Actually, did you know that Asian fashion is increasingly popular and attractive? You have the chance to offer excellent gifts to your family members, friends and relatives when you return home.
Get to know the salaries in Luwan District
The average salaries in this part of Shanghai are actually quite attractive. For example, if you work in the automotive field, you can get about 6,000 CNY a month (roughly 1,000 USD) while employees in the Management field will receive almost double than that. Other people have higher salaries, according to their level of studies as well, such as Engineering employees who earn almost 27,000 CNY a month (about 4,500 USD). Top salaries are offered to employees in the fashion and apparel category and they can reach up to 40,000 CNY (6,500 USD). Impressive! You might want to get a job here, huh?
So, if you choose this destination for your upcoming vacation, you are definitely making the right decision. Make sure that you plan ahead, in order to have a fantastic holiday. For example, you can start by looking on our site for apartments which are rented to tourists. Book now and you can save money! There are plenty of beautiful apartments in Luwan District of Shanghai and they will ensure you a comfortable, cozy stay.
Top 4 Aspects To Consider When Choosing An Area To Live In Around A Large City
There are several cities around the country that are quite large. As such, choosing the right area to live in around the city can be such a daunting task for majority of people. However, selecting the right locality to reside in is crucial when it comes to keeping your sanity. In simple terms, you can not wake up one day and without thinking about the ramifications, select and purchase an apartment just about anywhere around the city and then move in.
While this might work in smaller cities, it doesn’t work in large cities, for example those with more than fifteen million inhabitants and for a good reason. You will end up having quite a lot of problems, for example numerous transportation issues, huge property purchase costs and the likes.
Prior to relocating to any area or buying properties in a given large city, certain things need to be considered. According to a leading real estate expert, here are some things to consider before buying a home and then relocating into a given locality.
1. The distance from home to a work place
You really don’t want to settle or purchase a property in an area that is a hundred kilometers from your job. Simply put, if not careful when choosing a place buy or rent, then you will end living in one side of the city and working in another. And with all the commuting issues that are often experienced in huge cities, you might end up spending several hours on the road commuting to and from your workplace.
2. Is there a shopping mall or a supermarket near by?
Traffic jams can be quite horrendous in large cites. As such, you need to try and choose accommodation in areas that have a good shopping mall or even a supermarket. This way, you will not have to spend hours sitting in a car trying to get to a shopping mall for your normal weekday or weekend shopping tasks or getting to a movie theater at the mall.
3. How close is the wanted home to an underground or sky train network?
The closer you are to a train network, the better for you and your family members as this leads to the overall transport cost reduction. In simple terms, prior to purchasing a wanted house or an apartment in a large city, find out how far it is to the closest underground or sky train station or network for that matter. Preferably, it is better to purchase a home that is within a walking distance to and from a train station. However, these sorts of homes can be quite costly to purchase or even rent making them quite unaffordable to most people. Fortunately, it is possible to get a less costly property though ten minutes taxi ride away from the train network.
4. How close is the nearest school?
If you have some school going kids, then it is advisable that you settle in area with several good school options. You don’t want to spend an hour or so dropping off and picking up your kids from the school. Simply put, purchase or rent a home that is within a ten to fifteen minutes drive to the school and your kids will thank you for it.